

Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management Order N 26-p of May 12, 2011. Approval of the Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management procedural regulation on providing the government service of reviewing land reclassification petitions of citizens and legal entities.
Приказ Министерства лесного и охотничьего хозяйства Сахалинской области от 12.05.2011 N 26-п. Об утверждении административного регламента министерства лесного и охотничьего хозяйства Сахалинской области по предоставлению государственной услуги "Рассмотрение ходатайств граждан и юридических лиц о переводе земельных участков из одной категории в другую".

Document Number/Номер документа: Приказ N 26-п от 12.05.2011


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Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management Order N 26-p of May 12, 2011. Approval of the Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management procedural regulation on providing the government service of reviewing land reclassification petitions of citizens and legal entities.
Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management Order N 26-p of May 12, 2011. Approval of the Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management procedural regulation on providing the government service of reviewing land reclassification petitions of citizens and legal entities.

Document Number/Номер документа: 31-31-39-86

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Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management Order N 26-p of May 12, 2011. Approval of the Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management procedural regulation on providing the government service of reviewing land reclassification petitions of citizens and legal entities.
Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management Order N 26-p of May 12, 2011. Approval of the Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management procedural regulation on providing the government service of reviewing land reclassification petitions of citizens and legal entities.

Document Number/Номер документа: 4871-1

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Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management Order N 26-p of May 12, 2011. Approval of the Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management procedural regulation on providing the government service of reviewing land reclassification petitions of citizens and legal entities.
Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management Order N 26-p of May 12, 2011. Approval of the Sakhalin oblast ministry of forest and game management procedural regulation on providing the government service of reviewing land reclassification petitions of citizens and legal entities.

Document Number/Номер документа: Письмо N НМ-1627-19 от 03.04.2001

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